Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 1: Take off....

For over a year now, we've been talking about and planning for this adventure to Guatemala. It all started when Kathy Carpenter (who is also with us on the trip!) came to Cooper House as a guest speaker last year to talk about mission and service in the church. We had a lively discussion about the purpose of mission trips, where we go wrong, and how we do them with integrity. She shared about her many experiences in Guatemala where she has seen the power of God's presence and grace, especially in the midst of suffering. After our discussion, Molly Morris, one of our student leaders, spoke to me in the kitchen, "Ginny, I really think we need to Guatemala next year!" And so it began....

Our presbytery, The Presbytery of the Peaks, has a long standing relationship with a Guatemalan non-profit organization, CEDEPCA. CEDEPCA, the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America, "is an educational non-profit that works to transform lives by offering education, accompaniment and safe reflection spaces to women and men of diverse Christian traditions and communities." It was on a Presbytery trip in 2000 where Kathy first served with CEDEPCA and fell in love with the people of Guatemala. She now serves on their board and has developed deep relationships through the years with folks connected to this amazing organization. We will be building upon these connections as we travel this week.

"So, what's the purpose of your trip?"

I've heard this question many times over the last few months and our group has spent a lot of time considering what our "mission" is in Guatemala. I'll start by telling you what it's not. We are not going to convert people to Christianity. We are not going to participate in building projects for which we have no skill. We are not going to "help" the poor people there. We are going to be transformed and to witness to the transforming power of God that is already at work in Guatemala. We are going to learn from people who are committed to and engaged in making positive sustainable change. We are going to see Christ in the face of the other. And we hope they will see Christ in us.

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